I've been coming to this post for awhile. I'm taking inventory of most everything in my life - or at least that's what my friend/counselor Pastor Andy tells me. It's true. When my Dad died, it shifted my foundation and I don't understand the full impact of it yet. It's a big adjustment in uncountable ways. Big probably isn't the most effective word to use right there, but I'm not always as eloquent as I would like to be.
I will say it is another order of magnitude of inventory-taking from the season right after Sophia's diagnosis. Poignantly, my Dad died the day after Sophia was given the all clear. He got to see it. Thank You Jesus.
After writing a blog for 7 years, I've come into agreement with God: it is time to move on. I'm entering into a unknown season, one where I don't share everything God gives me all the time - at least not on an easily accessible public forum. It is going to be hard for me, as I enjoy the gratification of knowing I've helped people, encouraged them in their faith and (more than a little selfishly) the praise that comes with writing a piece people like. My love language is Words of Affirmation and when people click "like," comment, email or tell me in person they like what I wrote, it makes me feel pretty darn good, productive and.....deeply fulfilled.
Writing is a gift God has given me, a gift that touches me at the deepest level. There isn't anything wrong enjoying the praise that comes from being a useful tool in His hands. It's just time to have the courage to say Yes to Him using this tool in different and new ways. It's time to seek His approval alone for a little while. Does that mean I won't share?
No, I'm on social media (probably too much for some folks) so I will continue to document my family's antics, adventures and the events we experience that move the Kingdom of God forward. I'm too much of a people person to keep totally silent.
There is an element of discipline and obedience required to go deeper into what the Lord wants to do in and through me. I've got to be taught to teach. Also, in order to finish some of the projects He has entrusted me with and will bring to my doorstep in 2016, I need to put this down. I know I haven't written much lately and didn't quite persevere with #2015TheYearofPrayer like I wanted. Still, this blog occupies my mind and heart in a way that doesn't leave enough space for the work He wants me to do now.
I read this verse during my quiet time this morning - which put me in a wonder-filled mindset at the timing: For loving God means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome, because everything which has God as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the word: our trust. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:3-5, CJB/NIV)
What is coming is not burdensome, just as this blog has not been so, only the opposite. It's always been a precious outlet. It's now time for me to take up my Cross in a little different way - to switch shoulders, if you will and trust Jesus more to carry the load. I treasure those of you I've told about this change, who received it with grace and humility. Thank you for letting me know how you've enjoyed reading. I know that's only 15 of you, but still.
We are all coming to the end of 2015 - headed into a new year, but more than that; it is a fresh start to lay down what we might have carried for too long, plans we've made that aren't producing the sweetest fruit. It's time for us, as the People of God, to seek, without any timidity, our purposes and destiny in Christ. We must press in to overcome the barriers and distractions of this world - to step out from behind the curtain and show the world what He has done, is doing and will do through a Church who loves Him, is learning to love itself and wants to others well.
(Not) Incidentally, a couple weeks back, the Lord gave me "my" word for 2016. If 2015 was Prayer - 2016 is Love. I thought that word was just for me until I spoke to my friend Wynter this morning and she got the same word!! The Lord is setting this world up to see what His ultimate display of love really looks like in His People - His United and Unified Church. The time is short to do it, so we have to do it NOW.
What I've always tried to do on this blog is answer the question, "What does faith look like in real life?" So: what does God's love look when His people breath it in and out in every moment of life?
Well, the Spirit has given me 2 verses this year - one for my ministry life and one for my personal life. The ministry one came much earlier in the year, the personal one only since my Dad's passing. It is the personal one, Psalm 116, that gives me the idea on how to help people understand the reality of what God's love looks like:
Be at rest, once more, O my soul,
For the Lord has been good to you.
For you, Lord have delivered me from death,
I will say it is another order of magnitude of inventory-taking from the season right after Sophia's diagnosis. Poignantly, my Dad died the day after Sophia was given the all clear. He got to see it. Thank You Jesus.
After writing a blog for 7 years, I've come into agreement with God: it is time to move on. I'm entering into a unknown season, one where I don't share everything God gives me all the time - at least not on an easily accessible public forum. It is going to be hard for me, as I enjoy the gratification of knowing I've helped people, encouraged them in their faith and (more than a little selfishly) the praise that comes with writing a piece people like. My love language is Words of Affirmation and when people click "like," comment, email or tell me in person they like what I wrote, it makes me feel pretty darn good, productive and.....deeply fulfilled.
Writing is a gift God has given me, a gift that touches me at the deepest level. There isn't anything wrong enjoying the praise that comes from being a useful tool in His hands. It's just time to have the courage to say Yes to Him using this tool in different and new ways. It's time to seek His approval alone for a little while. Does that mean I won't share?
No, I'm on social media (probably too much for some folks) so I will continue to document my family's antics, adventures and the events we experience that move the Kingdom of God forward. I'm too much of a people person to keep totally silent.
There is an element of discipline and obedience required to go deeper into what the Lord wants to do in and through me. I've got to be taught to teach. Also, in order to finish some of the projects He has entrusted me with and will bring to my doorstep in 2016, I need to put this down. I know I haven't written much lately and didn't quite persevere with #2015TheYearofPrayer like I wanted. Still, this blog occupies my mind and heart in a way that doesn't leave enough space for the work He wants me to do now.
I read this verse during my quiet time this morning - which put me in a wonder-filled mindset at the timing: For loving God means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome, because everything which has God as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the word: our trust. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:3-5, CJB/NIV)
We are all coming to the end of 2015 - headed into a new year, but more than that; it is a fresh start to lay down what we might have carried for too long, plans we've made that aren't producing the sweetest fruit. It's time for us, as the People of God, to seek, without any timidity, our purposes and destiny in Christ. We must press in to overcome the barriers and distractions of this world - to step out from behind the curtain and show the world what He has done, is doing and will do through a Church who loves Him, is learning to love itself and wants to others well.
(Not) Incidentally, a couple weeks back, the Lord gave me "my" word for 2016. If 2015 was Prayer - 2016 is Love. I thought that word was just for me until I spoke to my friend Wynter this morning and she got the same word!! The Lord is setting this world up to see what His ultimate display of love really looks like in His People - His United and Unified Church. The time is short to do it, so we have to do it NOW.
What I've always tried to do on this blog is answer the question, "What does faith look like in real life?" So: what does God's love look when His people breath it in and out in every moment of life?
Well, the Spirit has given me 2 verses this year - one for my ministry life and one for my personal life. The ministry one came much earlier in the year, the personal one only since my Dad's passing. It is the personal one, Psalm 116, that gives me the idea on how to help people understand the reality of what God's love looks like:
Be at rest, once more, O my soul,
For the Lord has been good to you.
For you, Lord have delivered me from death,
my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
I just have to tell my story of how good the Lord has been to me. It's that simple. It's all you have to do, too.
How has He been good to you?
How has He delivered you from death?
How has He dried your tears?
How has He held you up when you were about to fall?
Ironically, of course, you would think this medium would be perfect for that! But not in the coming season. I need to craft my story through alternative means and wait for Him to show me how to share it with the world.
I hope you've felt through these sometimes silly, sometimes desperate and sometimes searching posts that I love Jesus and I love you. I hope You've seen His marvelous power to destroy the shade of death over the lives of my family and friends. I hope You've seen how He is teaching me to love myself, by drying my tears over Sophia and thereby giving me permission to cry about other things - including my Dad. I know I've felt like I've hit the concrete so hard so many times, but in reality, He cushioned, or even broke my fall - even pulling me back just in time.
Thank you for reading. Thank you laughing and crying with me and listening to my thoughts. Thank You for serving me with your companionship. I do hope it's made a difference in Your walk with Christ. He is so close - He left it all to come to us and be not just WITH us, but One of us. He knows you and He knows me. He doesn't miss a thing and that's a very good thing.
Don't stop seeking Him, ever. Keep getting closer, even if it is uncomfortable or scary. Even (and especially) when others don't get it. He is as close as your breath but even closer - as close as the blood pumping in your veins. I know He wants to do marvelous things through you, and me. We are all in this together. By trusting what He has done and how He is demonstrating it through us, we do overcome everything this world throws at us.
Keep in touch! I will.