Thursday, July 10, 2008

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

I love that hymn--

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of this world will grow strangely dim.
In Light of His Glory & Grace.

I guess I'm officially a Jesus Freak Blogger now. That is a new term for sure! I wanted to start this blog though, as it's been on my heart for about 18 months. The idea of it anyway, writing devotionals for my own benefit and the benefit of others. I guess you could say it's my own very personal and very public prayer journal! And maybe it's selfish of me to think others want to hear my thoughts about how God is working in my life and my exposition on Scripture. If you think that, please let me know! But I feel like He illuminates things to me that are so powerful, I just flat out don't want to keep them to myself!!!

I've been on a kick lately about the abundant life, or as Beth Moore called it in a devotional my sweet friend Angie gave me, the "victorious life." Recently though, The Lord took me in another direction, via Proverbs 3:3-4. It says "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." I have read verses 5-6 quite often and was actually going back to that when The Lord stopped me there. I read the note below in my NIV and it really hit home.

When the writer of Proverbs says to "bind them around your neck" he was referring to how you wear a necklace. Not only do you actively work and close the clasp, necklaces sit close to your heart. As a woman who loves jewelry, that stood out for me in a new way. Then to follow it up again with writing them on the tablet of your heart, God seemed to be saying to me, "Don't just take up your cross daily, Amy, hold it close. It's not a burden but something you should desire, just as you like to look pretty on the outside. Desire to look pretty on the inside first! Wear your Jesus Bling for me everyday and I will show you all the blessings and promises I have in store for you."

You might think I'm nuts when I say God was "saying" this to me, but He spoke to the ears of my heart and then into my mind. And that is what happens when you read the Scriptures and ask for understanding. He gives it to you and that does more for your faith than any spiritual high ever could. One on one communication with Our Creator is the best thing since sliced bread!

And just knowing that He wants me to treasure Him in my heart, on a daily basis, is such a sweet and comforting thought. How often do we do that with our loved ones that are flesh and blood and why should it be any different even if He isn't present with us in the body? I've got two little girls and a wonderful husband who do and say things on a daily basis that I cherish, it should be the same thing in my spiritual walk. The Spirit goes deeper and leaves a longer lasting impression than physical touch ever could.

My point here (guess I better get to it) is that Ladies--the essence of beauty is on the inside--when you spend time with The Lord in Scripture, He will bless you with jewelry of the Spirit that shines through to all who meet you. It's our Jesus Bling, so let him adorn you with His riches! He is The King after all!

1 comment:

angie said...

Yay!! Love it ... watch out -- my blog will be coming soon, I'll let you know when.
Angie :)