Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vogel Kid Inside Survival Guide

So here is one major difference about living in Italy versus Texas - it's cold here.  Cold enough that we can't always be outside for extended periods of time.  It has really hit home this weekend, when we didn't travel because Dave injured his heel (prayer please!).  Although the sun has been out, it hasn't gotten out of the lower 40s, which is really just too cold for my Texas blood to go to a playground or walk-around our town one more time.

I have been feeling some guilt about the girls being inside and either watching movies or playing games on the computer plus, I really like to hear them playing.  But their toys are limited, as is their space. 

That and I'm bored too, which is a great contributor to homesickness for all of us.  The weather isn't going to get significantly better till after the baby is born, as well as I'm going to get less and less mobile, so I wanted a resource to encourage honest-to-goodness "kid stuff."  Sophia in particular likes to say "I'm bored!" a lot, which is why the next time she says that - I want to pull out this list and tell her to pick one.

Maybe we will try and make it through all 50 of them before more suitable outside weather shows up.  But I have a hunch, after the grandparents after BG3 is born, we will be consulting this list during her sleepy time.  I figure it might come in handy for my Mom too if I happen to be trying to get some of the minimal shut-eye available to me while she is here!

Hope this helps - if you have any questions about specific items, feel free to email me (, although I've tried to explain them.  I've also included the links where I found some of these ideas, especially since you might need to tweak this depending on the age of your kids.  These ideas are geared towards our preferences, I didn't include any of the "paint with pudding/shaving cream"type ideas because frankly, I don't want to clean up the mess.  I look for limited mess and noise or it gets out of hand quickly, especially with a 9 & 6 year old!  The girls also help me cook a lot, so that's why you don't see that here. 


1.      Read a book.
2.      Work on a Puzzle.
3.      Play a board or card game.
4.      Write a story.
5.      Act out a story you’ve read in a book or seen in a movie.
6.      Listen to a book online or online radio story.
7.      Make and play in blanket fort in guest bedroom.
8.      Have an indoor picnic or tea party.
9.      Make (salt) playdoh.
10.   Play TP Roll Bowling in the hall.
11.   Have a Dance Party.
12.   Play Pictionary.
13.   Write a letter to someone in the States.
14.   Write a story/comic book to send to someone in the States.
15.   Play with your toys in your room.
16.   Play Beauty Shop.
17.   Invisible Letter Game (draw letter on another’s back and they have to guess what you are writing).
18.   Make a Sock Puppet Theater.
19.   Learn to Tie Shoes or a different way to do it.
20.   Practice Telling Time.
21.   Get out the Building Blocks.
22.   Write out some Mad-Libs.
23.   Look up/Figure out some riddles or brain teasers.
24.   Play 20 questions.
25.   Play some clapping/slapping games.
26.   Make a Birthday Calendar.
27.   Play Simon Says/Mother May I or Charades.
28.   Pass the drawing game (one person draws something, the next person has to add onto it.)
29.   Play Kitchen.
30.   Play Grocery Store
31.   Make a bracelet with Natalie’s kit.
32.   Make a movie.
33.   Play “What Animal am I?”
34.   Make a countdown calendar (or baby, coming visitors, a trip, etc.)
35.   Make paper airplanes, paper chain or paper dolls.
36.   Make a thankful collage.
37.   Research an Italian city to visit.
38.   Play Hangman/Drawing Games.
39.   Work on your Italian.
40.   Memorizing games: (The 10 Commandments, alphabet backwards, etc.)
41.   Write a song and perform it.
42.   Bus Stop Exercises. (Jumping Jacks, Hop on one foot, pat head/rub tummy, etc.)
43.   Make Paper Dolls.
44.    Toss the ball in the Hall Game.
45.   Play Hide and Seek with a Stuffed Animal.
46.   Play the Never-Ending-Adjective Game (pick something to describe and see how long you can keep it up.)
47.   Play Hot Potato.
48.   Take a bath in your bathing suit and play.
49.   Play Restaurant (serve something!)
50.   Make a Treasure Hunt around the house for your sister.

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