Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesdays of Wonder - Can You Be Specific in Prayer?

I'm going to be honest, I still struggle with being specific in prayer, even with breakthroughs.  I've written about expecting (big) things from God (read it here).  Yet, I still struggle in/with prayer.  It is a mystery but at the same time, it's reality.  It's how we commune and communicate with the Lord.  There is no right or wrong way to do it, except in fear.  Not fear-of-the-Lord-type fear, but being afraid to ask for what you need.  After all, Jesus taught us to pray for what we need.  He depended on the provision of His Heavenly Father and wanted us to as well, which is why we pray the Lord's prayer!

As many prayers as I've prayed, just as many have been answered, including very specific ones.  I can still get all head-tripped-up about it though.  Of course, that's what I realize (again), prayer is much more about the vulnerability of our hearts and the openness of our hands.

I like this image because when I think about prayer (rather than just stew in my own understanding), this is how we should pray: with open hands, kneeing before the Father and Our King, knowing He will give us wonderful gifts.

Sometimes He says "No."  Sometimes He says "Wait," but I think more often than not, He says, "Yes."  Yet, I'm still surprised when He does!  (See my above comment about head-trips.)

I'm learning to expect and I'm learning to receive.  I continue to practice Hebrews 4:16: So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. (MSG)

This week's post is about exactly that - walking right up to Christ, in the power of His Righteousness, and being specific.  Flenold Turner, a friend of my dear friend Janice Wright, prayed for something - a job - and very specifically.  You know the cool thing?  The Lord answered his prayers exactly.  If only the whole Body of Christ would pray like that....I can only imagine we would see even more miracles and wonders!

Let's dream big, dear friends.  Let's pray big, bold prayers, like Flenold did, because our same Lord is bigger, greater and infinitely loving.  He delights in us, sings over us and is a warrior Mighty to save us. (Zep 3:17)  We can rely on Him to answer our prayers, so let's start receiving what He wants to give, rather then trying to grasp it by any other means.

Flenold is a fantastic musician, who loves the Lord.  He was applying for a new teaching job several years ago.  

He wanted to be in God's will, and as he was applying at various schools to be a band teacher, he boldly asked the Lord, "Show me your choice by the interviewer praying with me during the interview."

Turner interviewed for a position in two or three Christian schools and none of the interviewers prayed with him.  It was then he heard about an opening at Faith West Academy in Katy,Texas, and called for an appointment. As he was ushered into the office, the principal said, 

"Let's pray together before we talk."

He had his answer from God, before the job was even offered!! 

When he took the position of Band Teacher there at Faith West, about six years ago, there were 5 members in the band, playing mostly wood-wind instruments. Today the band has grown to over 50 young people, playing various musical instruments and even marching at football games. Flenold has had numerous opportunities to share his faith and not only has “grown” the band, but has helped many young people grow in their Christian faith. 

Flenold was specific in his prayer.....and God certainly answered specifically!!

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